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Goldman Sachs About Us Great support is not a one-time thing. Our aim is to provide comprehensive information since this is the best basis for your decision. Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs und KKR profitieren von Kion-Aktien
Der renommierte Finanzdienstleister Goldman Sachs und die Beteiligungsgesellschaft KKR haben mit dem Verkauf der Kion-Aktien einen beträchtlichen Gewinn erzielt.
Seltene Erden Investment Areas We invest in future oriented companies and services. Learn more about our investment strategy. Zinssignal Deutschland fördert Forschungsprogramm zu Seltenen Erden Seltene Metalle sind in jedem Handy, Computer oder Windrad zu finden. Der Weltmarkt wird von China beherrscht. Deutsche Bank Portfolio We work in the area of Venture-Capital financing. These are our target companies.Please have a look. Koalition Startups aus 16 Ländern auf der CeBIT 2014 Im März 2014 wird erneut die CeBIT in Hannover stattfinden. Bei der führenden IT Business Messe haben sich Jungunternehmer aus 60 Ländern für den „CODE_n“-Startup-Contest“ beworben. Deutsche Bank Get Rich With Ideas Some people wait for the biggest coup their whole lives. Take a look at real life examples of successful investments in the Pre-IPO phase Google Google kauft Startup Unternehmen Nest Der Internetriese übernimmt den Heizthermostate und Rauchmelder Anbieter Nest und investiert USD 3,2 Milliarden in das Startup Unternehmen. Aktien ABC Stock Trading for Newcomers Those who want to trade with shares, should inform themselves beforehand. Shares are especially suitable for longterm investments
(e.g. pension plan).
Our product described in a movie

“Small” ideas – LARGE IMPACT!

Earning the maximum return with low capital expenditure!

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Reserving Gold Aktie shares allows you to face the challenges of your financial future with an inner calmness that can only be provided by Gold Aktie.

The Pre-IPO phase is your opportunity!

Participate in the success of Gold Aktie with a small starting price at an early stage. Your reservation ensures you a block of shares before our offer will be accessible to the broad public and big institutional investors.

Worth Knowing

A picture says more than words.

Our image videos at a glance: The modern world of animation provides an entertaining portrayal of various information. Enjoy a large number of interesting and informative stories.

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Reference to financial statements according to § 1 Abs. 11 clause 1 number 1 to 7 KWG (shares, investments, negotiable debt securities, other rights, shares)…

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Startup Investment Phases

The capital to be invested is called Venture Capital. Low capital requirement for the early product development. Exception: research-intensive technologies.

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Top Investment Reasons – Several Promising Industries


Whether an idea becomes successful depends on the company’s access to fresh money.


Gold is more stable in its future performance than all inflationary currencies of the history.


The future of shopping is bound to the internet. Subsidiaries close or become showrooms.

Raw Materials

Dealing with raw materials is a challenge of our time.

Renewable Energies

Major insurers are increasingly invested in wind power, solar and geometry.

Rare Earth

Of all raw materials, rare earth elements hold a special position.


The investment demand for precious metals increases the silver price.


This advanced technology is considered as key technology since it is highly versatile.

CO2 Emission Trading

The trading volume of emission rights within the EU accounts to EUR 37 billion.

Real Estate

In 2012 shares of open real estate funds in the amount of EUR 2.8 billion were bought.


The gemstone industry offers a high investment potential and is considered as the asset class of the future.

  • Study: Germans want the school subject “Money and Finance”. According to the study of „comdirect Wertpapierradar Deutschland" it is useful to introduce an obligatory subject “Money and Finance”.

  • „The printing press is still running." The current decline in share price at many stock markets give a preview of the upcoming interest rate.