Information about E-commerce
  • Business models have changed due to the e-commerce industry. Consequently, the dynamic has changed within the advertisement industry.
  • The future of shopping lies on the internet. Department stores will be closed or will be transformed into showrooms.
  • Today’s world is not imaginable without online shopping. Customers and partners carry out various transactions via the internet on a daily basis.
  • According to Gerrit Heinemann, the German expert for digital commerce, digitalization has just started. Within the next two to three years the retail industry will change even more than it already has within the last 15 years.
  • Webshops become increasingly interesting to investors. The revenue volume for the complete interactive commerce achieved EUR 36.5 billion and the e-commerce turnover generated EUR 21.7 billion.
Media regarding this topic
Our video for you
E-Commerce und Konsum in Zeiten der Eurokrise (3:01 Min.)

Forecast of the e-commerce turnover depending on world regions in the year 2010 and 2013
(in billion USD)

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